International Conference on Autism Advanced Research and Management

Olympia City Music Theatre “Maria Callas”, Athens, Greece

Hybrid @ Athens - Greece & Web

September 27-29, 2024


Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental conditions that impact how individuals perceive and interact with the world, influencing their social interactions and communication skills. This has drawn significant scientific interest, focusing on understanding the behaviors and cognitive functions associated with ASD and their effects on daily life quality. ASD often coexists with other physical and mental health conditions, complicating the clinical picture. For instance, young children with ASD may experience delays in motor skills development and have issues with coordination and balance. Alarmingly, the incidence of autism diagnoses is on the rise, intensifying this pressing social issue.

In response to these challenges and to foster greater awareness the Greek Society for the Protection of Autistic Persons (GSPAP), the Hellenic Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, the Municipality of Athens, and Funogen, are collaborating to host the 1st International Conference on Autism Advanced Research and Management in Athens. This event will spotlight cutting-edge research on the causes and biological mechanisms of ASD, explore modern management technologies, and promote the social inclusion and collaboration of individuals with autism. The conference is a key initiative under the Greek Society for the Protection of Autistic Persons - Funogen's #connectmetoo: Together in Synergy for Autism movement, which aims to enhance societal awareness of autism.

Round Tables - Workshops

Round Table: The Impact of Late Diagnosis of Autism on both Parents and autistic adolescent.

Support Our Conference: A Call for Sponsorships to Shape the Future of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Understanding and Care

By sponsoring our upcoming conference at ConnectMeToo, you can play a pivotal role in addressing these needs. Your sponsorship will facilitate the advancement of research into ASD, support the development of innovative resources for daily living, and bolster educational programs to foster understanding and inclusion in schools, workplaces, and communities.

Join us in our commitment to creating an environment where individuals with ASD can flourish. Sponsor our conference today and become a key part of this transformative journey. Your involvement signifies more than support—it is a beacon of hope and a step toward meaningful change for countless individuals and families living with autism.


Discover Insights & Innovations 

with Autism Specialists in a Pioneering #connectmetoo

Annual Conference